Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Who ya gonna call, Ghostbusters!

The work that I do is serious but it does have its moments of levity. I have spent a lot of time on disability in my career and have seen a few claims that are out there.

I was once involved in a discussion with a client and their disability carrier and we were reviewing claimants who might be good candidates for vocational rehabilitation. The vocational rehabilitation specialist for the carrier spoke up about one claimant who had already begun efforts to establish a Bed & Breakfast which was set in a home which was reportedly haunted where she planned conduct seances and communicate with the spirits using technigues she was studying from another ghostbuster. No one was really sure what that job paid but I can tell you that 40% of all long term disability claims have mental illness as a secondary diagnosis and the behavior which it produces is not always conducive to rehabilitative employment, except maybe in California. Just kidding. Partially.

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